Register Property Groups

Register Property Groups#

Let’s learn how we can create a new Property Group by using our Register utility and the Property helper class from addon_utils submodule.


Child PropertyGroup#

‘Child’ property groups are meant to be nested in other ‘Child’ or ‘Root’ property groups.

from .addon_utils import Register, Property

class ChildPropertyGroup:
    some_bool: Property.BOOL()
    some_string: Property.STRING()

Root PropertyGroup#

A root Property Group that will be directly atached to a Blender type in bpy.types.

from .addon_utils import Register, Property

@Register.PROP_GROUP.ROOT.WINDOW_MANAGER('uvflow')  # If name is not specified, the module name will be used.
class RootWMPropertyGroup:
    test_bool: Property.BOOL()
    test_int: Property.INT()
    test_float: Property.FLOAT()
    test_str: Property.STRING(default='UVFlow')
    # Here we reference the previously created PropertyGroup so it is a child of this PG.
    child_pg: Property.COLLECTION(ChildPropertyGroup)