UV Flow brings a few handy improvements to regular unwrapping in Blender. The usual Method, Fill Holes, Correct Aspect, and Use Subdivision Surface options are all there of course, but you can also enable:
- Auto Align: Runs the UV Editor’s Align Rotation (Auto) on each island after unwrapping. This does take extra time to compute.
- Split Angle: Unwraps any edge with an angle greater than the threshold as if it was a seam.
- Split Bevel: Unwraps any edge with a bevel weight greater than the threshold as if it was a seam.
- Split Crease: Unwraps any edge with a crease weight greater than the threshold as if it was a seam.
- Split Sharp: Unwraps any edge marked sharp as if it was a seam.
- Split Freestyle Mark: Unwraps any edge with a Freestyle mark as if it was a seam.
- Mark Seams: Marks any edge split by UV Flow as an actual seam.
- Apply Scale: Stretches the unwrapped UVs to compensate for non-uniform object scale.
You can also unwrap any object or set of objects in Object Mode. Just head to the Object menu and choose UV Flow / Unwrap UVs.
The dot “record” toggle to the left of the Unwrap menu will unwrap your mesh after any action you make with the tool. The important difference between the Auto Unwrapping in UV Flow and Blender’s Live Unwrap is that it will only unwrap the islands effected by the tool, which prevents your other UVs from getting reset.
The “play” button to the right of the Unwrap menu will unwrap all of your selected faces.